I milled a whole guitar! See the Video!
My first CNC project turned out great and luckily I captured the process on camera! Check it out in this Video: https://youtu.be/PQKkqNFZzR4
Guitar body: milling done
As I wrote in my last post, I used our housebound time in March to make a long cherished dream come true: Designing an electric guitar. It is very satisfying…
Finally milling!
The wood has arrived and I finally started a complex milling project: A guitar body I designed in March when Corona hit Germany. Unfortunately x & y are still not…
First (unplanned) milling test
I wanted to add screw sockets to the base of the MPCNC before I start milling. However I realized that it would completely defy the purpose of the machine to…
Milling preparations: Relocated machine
This weekend I cleared the former boiler room of a small warehouse where I can put the machine. Now it has been relocated to its new home. Finally I built…
Finished Machine
In fact the MPCNC was already fully assembled in March, but I was not able to make final adjustments. I relocated to Hamburg for a new Job and I was…
Fan fan
I have been on a stepper motor odyssey lately. It all started with the Z-Axis stepper being too weak – or at least I thought so. It was simply unable…
Z-Axis drag chain mount
I made this part available on Thingiverse. Download it here! I looked for a way to mount the Z-axis drag chain (not really a chain, rather spring steel in a…
Enclosure for RAMBo-board + LCD
I could not find an enclosure I really like that can house both the control board and the LCD, so I decided to make my own The LCD can be…
I paused building the MPCNC for some time (partly because I was frustrated by not being able to get the moving x/y-axis perpendicular) but now I’m back - with wires!…