p.p.p.p.p! – post products project progress page
Good that you are here! This is where I am documenting the progress of my design endeavour post products – a project dedicated towards unleashing the potential of seemingly obsolete items! On the p.p.p.p.p I am making my design process visible and document it with photos, sketches, videos, reflections, etc. I also share external ressources I find inspiring here.

Tenok mentioned by Top Magazin Hamburg May 13, 2020 - Today Top Magazin from my new hometown Hamburg mentioned Tenok in an online article. You can access it here. Continue Reading

Tenok in dutch MAKE magazine 01/2020 January 26, 2020 - I am honoured to announce that Tenok has been featured in dutch MAKE magazine no 01/2020! Hardcopys are in stores now and the free online article can be accessed here!… Continue Reading

Exhibition in Cologne, 1 – 4 March December 12, 2019 - Tenok will be on display in Cologne again! From 1 to 4 March you can see Tenok on at the International Hardware Fair (Internationale Eisenwarenmesse). As one of 60 objects,… Continue Reading

TV? November 29, 2019 - Today a German TV broadcasting channel called to ask if I was interrested in having a camera crew over to interview me in my provisional workshop. They discovered Tenok via… Continue Reading

Exhibition in Jönköping (Sweden), 12 – 15 Nov October 30, 2019 - I was asked to display Tenok at Elmia Subcontractor fair in Jönköping, Sweden, but it takes place at exactly the same time as Global Grad Show in Dubai. Well, long… Continue Reading

Exhibition in Herford (Germany), 22 Sept – 5 Jan September 2, 2019 - Until 05 January 2020 you can see Tenok and other recycling-design projects at the Recycling Design Award exhibition at the museum Marta Herford. Continue Reading

Exhibition in Dubai, 12-16 Nov August 6, 2019 - I am happy to announce that Tenok will be on display during Dubai Design Week! Tenok will be featured there in Global Grad Show 2019. Continue Reading

Working on the tutorial June 14, 2019 - Work on the tutorial is progressing well, but it is definitely quite a big task because I am documenting every single step. It seems like the finished tutorial will have… Continue Reading
Redesigned handle June 2, 2019 - When I asked people for their opinion about Tenok, I got some critique for the handle. It used to be made from an old leather belt, which i changed to… Continue Reading

no-cost DIY printer enclosure May 8, 2019 - I want to make sure that the parts can be printed with low-cost desktop 3D-printers. The Prusa i3 design (and its derivatives) is the most widely used one on the… Continue Reading

Evaluation & To-do list for the next Prototype April 29, 2019 - Putting the prototype together already worked better than expected, but it also showed me room for improvement. I decided to:01.) Replace PLA by PETG, which is more flexible and heat… Continue Reading

Houston, we have a box! April 16, 2019 - Yesterday I glued together the wooden enclosure and am very happy with the result. However I also discovered an issue that I should fix in the next prototype: To keep… Continue Reading

The first parts are printed! March 24, 2019 - This weekend I looked at parts of existing vacuum cleaners (left) and finished both the design and a prototype of the adaptive vacuum cleaner's first component: the adaptive hose mount… Continue Reading
Focus: Adaptive vacuum cleaner March 13, 2019 - I guess my previous posts already indicated that I am leaning towards the vacuum cleaner concept. I will now fully concentrate on this concept, examine trashed vacuum cleaners, see which… Continue Reading

Inspiring initiative: Low-tech lab March 3, 2019 - While all the ressources from the Ore streams archive are really interresting, among others I especially enjoyed The low tech lab. It's a collaborative research and documentation project aiming to… Continue Reading
Nuclear obsolescence March 1, 2019 - Today I visited the nuclear power plant in Barsebäck that offers free tours to interrested visitors. The Barsebäck plant has been shut down in 2005 and is now in decomission.… Continue Reading
Formafantasma’s study on e-waste February 27, 2019 - Today a friend shared Formafantasma's Ore Stream project with me that examines e-waste management. While they ahve also created objects that incorporate e-waste, it is their archive of articles, videos,… Continue Reading
A bear February 23, 2019 - Well, why did I buy a plush bear? I saw this bear at the second hand store two weeks ago and was amazed by it's character. Sometimes, used things age… Continue Reading
Redefined goals February 21, 2019 - After ideating and taking apart all those devices last week I realized something: A repurposed object has greater potential to inspire us when we can still recognize what it has… Continue Reading
Testing all 7 vacuum cleaner motors February 20, 2019 - After disassembling the reamining 6 vacuum cleaners yesterday, I was curious if my assumption that most of the motors would still work fine was true, so I put them to… Continue Reading
I visited precious plastic February 20, 2019 - Shredded packaging + hot iron = Plastic hexagon Yesterday I visited Precious Plastic Sweden, the local precious plastic group in Malmö. When talking to them I saw similarities between their… Continue Reading
Reflecting over the ideation process February 19, 2019 - I am starting to get a hold of what bothers me about the ideation process so far and it is that I am trying to create design solutions to meet… Continue Reading
EU calls for longer lasting products February 18, 2019 - A Eurobarometer survey gives a good overview regarding EU-citizens attitudes towards ressource use. Among other findings the survey reveals that 77% of the population would like to see their broken… Continue Reading
Technological disobedience February 18, 2019 - Today I got familiar with technological disobedience. A term coined by Ernesto Oroza to describe how cubans have overcome their respect for the finished product and learned to reveal the… Continue Reading
Ideation process so far February 15, 2019 - It is Friday evening now and I have been ideating since Tuesday. Apart from brainstorming and sketching ideas, I felt that taking further devices from the trash apart would be… Continue Reading
Starting to ideate February 12, 2019 - After discussing my progress and the vacuum cleaner idea with my Master project supervisor, I decided to follow his advice and ideate for the rest of the week to be… Continue Reading

The vacuum cleaner made me think… February 8, 2019 - Since I opened the vacuum cleaner it made me think: I have the impression that they are often thrown away even though the motor is still working properly. Reasons for… Continue Reading

Survey shows: manual skills are on the decline February 6, 2019 - Despite a growing maker movement, manual skills seem to be on the decline. Spending time with the digital world and building literacies there shortens the time we can spend with… Continue Reading

Do we have to change the way we design? – an inspiring article I found February 1, 2019 - In his article Is design finished? – dematerialization and changing design Cameron Tonkinwise boldly asks the question why designers go on making things in a world that seems to be… Continue Reading
Three articles about maker culture January 25, 2019 - I did some further reading on maker culture and would like to share three articles I found very interresting to read: The-maker-movement-creates-D.I.Y.-revolutionBeyond apps: Maker-Movement of DIYers fuels innovationThe white house… Continue Reading
Interresting Conference Paper January 23, 2019 - I would like to share an inspiring Conference Paper about Democratizing Technology Pleasure Utility and Expressiveness in DIY and Maker Practice by J. Tanenbaum et al. that I just read.… Continue Reading